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First things first: please note that this website, like me, is a constant work in progress! I’m a recovering perfectionist and am trying to live by “done is better then perfect” or else I’ll get caught up in details and never actually finish anything. Thanks for your grace and time checking out what i have curated here.

Our healing arts community was created as a place to assist those seeking a greater sense of inner connection, energetic understanding and deep healing on their journey.

Whole Heart Therapies began as a seed that was planted by spirit in the summer of 2017 which I nurtured and tended until the opening of this sacred space in April of 2018. The direct guidance was clearly stated:

Bring the healers together. Heal IN Community and then Heal THE Community.

It is my mission to do just that! Bringing people together to uplift each other is such a passion!

Since opening the doors this adventure has taken a few different paths from its original model of housing a dozen different healing arts professionals all under one roof. It goes without saying that 2020 changed lots of trajectories. Mine was no exception. I was the owner, office manager, receptionist/scheduler, cleaner, and a full time practitioner when the world shifted that year. I had always juggled 3 jobs on top of being a solo mom and that year was the first taste of time freedom I had ever had. I decided I didn’t want my “new normal” to include running other people’s practices along with my own. Our space was just a room rental model for a while and eventually gave way to finding other local spots for practitioners to land and making the space just my own. But don’t worry! I still have many connections bring other specialists together to create unforgettable and engaging group experiences! I can’t wait to help you curate the individual SESSION or group WORKSHOP of your dreams!